Tuesday, April 13, 2010

yesterday is history ...

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present. that's why they call it a gift!

I oops'd Tuesday. I'd MEANT to post additional booty to my blog candy, honestly, but time got away from me. I can just hear my Mom quoting, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" Yes, Mom! So, tell ya what I'm gonna do, folkes. I'm posting additional blog candy today HERE as a timed message for yesterday ... so it's KINDA posted yesterday (grins), right?! Then I'll add a post for additional blog candy for today, and then add a timed post for after midnight so I'll be sure to have everything added! That blows my "post a message for each day I add the candy" rule so I'll modify my original post. Leave a message on my original post to enter the drawing for the entire blog candy package. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kimmi said...

What was that whole post a message - for tomorrow tonight and then again for yesterday huh - I think I am lost. lol